Press releases
In the exclusive surroundings of the Børsen Palace of Copenhagen, Consorzio del vino Brunello di Montalcino, Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte and Strada del Barolo will join forces to create a...
Il Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino organizza un convegno insieme a DNV GL, ente di certificazione tra i leader a livello mondiale
A Montalcino oggi erano presenti esponenti del Ministero...
On the 21st of November 2014, in the exclusive surroundings of the Børsen Palace of Copenhagen, the Consorzio del vino Brunello di Montalcino and the Consorzio i Vini del Piemonte will join...
The Consortia for the Protection of Wines from Tuscany in the face of the Piano di Indirizzo Territoriale, i.e., the Plan of Territorial Direction
Florence, 29th September 2014 – This...
Dear President Rossi,
It is with a sense of bitterness that we farmers of Montalcino read the picture of our territory that emerges from the “Scheda d’Ambito17” [Area 17...
Venuto a conoscenza della convocazione dell’udienza preliminare presso il Tribunale di Milano (il prossimo 17 dicembre) relativa alla querela sporta dal Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino...
Montalcino, September 9th, 2014 - With reference to the findings of the investigations carried out by the Siena Public Prosecutor's Office, which showed that Brunello has been a victim of fraud...
Montalcino – 29th May 2104 –Following today’s press conference held in Siena on the seizure – conducted by the Carabinieri of the Siena operational department with the...