NostraVita (“Our Life”) is the name that Annibale Parisi, his wife Elena and the three doughters Giuditta, Valentina e Carlotta gave to the winery born in 2000.
Annibale Parisi and his wife Elena acquired in 1970 this land that evoked for them a promising future and that they decided to call: Nostra Signora della Vita (‘Our Lady of Life’).
A special energy seemed to emanate from a centuries old oak-tree with a splendid two-pronged trunk. Near to this guarding presence the foundations of their new dwelling were laid. While their three daughters grew up, Annibale cultivated his passion for this place through a series of varying activities linked to art, nature and local history.
In 2000, Annibale and Elena decided to add a new dimension to their property and planted two hectares of vineyard on their hill, in a place with a perfect microclimate and soil for growing Sangiovese grapes, and producing Brunello di Montalcino DOCG and Rosso di Montalcino DOC.
Annibale Parisi and his wife Elena acquired in 1970 this land that evoked for them a promising future and that they decided to call: Nostra Signora della Vita (‘Our Lady of Life’).
A special energy seemed to emanate from a centuries old oak-tree with a splendid two-pronged trunk. Near to this guarding presence the foundations of their new dwelling were laid. While their three daughters grew up, Annibale cultivated his passion for this place through a series of varying activities linked to art, nature and local history.
In 2000, Annibale and Elena decided to add a new dimension to their property and planted two hectares of vineyard on their hill, in a place with a perfect microclimate and soil for growing Sangiovese grapes, and producing Brunello di Montalcino DOCG and Rosso di Montalcino DOC.
address • Loc. Nostra Signora della Vita - 53024 - Montalcino (Siena)
Email • nostravitamontalcino@gmail.com
web site • http://www.nostravita.it
phone • 0577848487 / 3294423163