Brunello 2012? The Italian domestic market is in the doldrums, but exports are on the rise. Giacomo Neri (Casanova di Neri) says, “markets stable in the USA, Canada and Europe, with an increase in Asia (India, China and Taiwan)”. Stefano Cinelli Colombini (Fattoria dei Barbi): “in 2012 the markets in the U.S., Canada, England and Germany held their own with an increase in Brazil. Italy did not do so well”. Roberto Moretti (Querce Bettina): “We are in constant growth in Canada, Australia and Belgium”. Enrico Viglierchio (Castello Banfi): “In 2012 exports were good in the U.S. and excellent in Asia. Bad in Italy”. Giulia Gecchele (San Polo), “exports good abroad in Switzerland, Germany and the USA. And Italy? It’s suffering”. Emilia Nardi (Tenute Silvio Nardi): “an increase in the U.S. and Germany. In China, spotty results”. Mirko Biliorsi (Caparzo): “The markets are USA, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and Switzerland. We are opening to Asia, Italy is stopped”. Jacopo Biondi Santi (Tenuta Il Greppo): “Exports did well in the U.S., Brazil, Canada and Germany. Asia positive. Italy bad, due to the crisis, Article 62 and alcohol limits”. Giancarlo Pacenti (Tenute Siro Pacenti): “We held our own on all the markets in the USA, Canada, Germany and Switzerland. Hong Kong and Singapore did well. Next target China”.