Montalcino 29th April 2010 – “The US market is of vital importance for Brunello di Montalcino. We can but express our total satisfaction over today’s signing of the Decree which definitively concludes the” USA question”.
With these words Patrizio Cencioni, President of the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino, commented on the official communication of the Ministry for agriculture, food and forestry policies, Gianfranco Galan over the definitive conclusion of the:”Brunello case”.
After the American TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) revoked the request for certification of imports into the United State, today the Decree was signed to the effect that as from May 1rst 2010, it is no longer necessary to provide a special declaration of conformity by the Italian Government in order to sell Brunello di Montalcino overseas.
“We thank the Minister Galan and the entire Ministry of agriculture, food and forestry policies for the lively interest they continue to show in our land and our wine – concludes President Cencioni – This marks one more step that we hope will contribute towards the press, the operators in the sector and our citizens being able to put behind them old issues so that they can finally start talking about wine again.”